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Ethically raised doodle
Mild Temperament
Health testing
Pictures of the parents
A full vet check and up to date wormer and vaccinations
Towel with litter mates scent on it
Beginning socialization with men, women, children, and special needs
Raised in indoor and outdoor environments
Beginning potty training skills
Beginning general training skills

Your Goldendoodle Puppy

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puppy without breeding rights 
PRICE - 1000

PRICE - 1500

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More than a breeder,
we are passionate about providing healthy, happy and well-bred goldendoodle puppies. 

At Chance & Georgette Puppies, we raise Goldendoodle puppies in a loving and caring family home. The puppies are held, cared for, and loved on continuously, producing calm and gentle demeanors. Our parent dogs are genetically health tested and are purebreds. 

Meet OUr Dogs

Our family fell in love with them. The first time I saw the puppies, I explained that we had a special child who needed a calm puppy. 

Meeting the breeder, meeting the puppy parents was amazing, and especially when Chance came up to me, gently tucking his head into my arm, and soulfully looking into my eyes!

I then asked if I could come back with my “little”, and when I did we found our puppy. Delilah worked with us as a family, to help us grow and adjust to having a puppy. Delilah unselfishly worked with “training” us, so we could train Sugar. And it was a family affair! Not just for us, but for Delilah and James and their family, but also for Chance and Georgette.

- Mike & Dee Dee

"Delilah and James accommodated us in every way imaginable to make sure this was a fit, not just for us, but for the Puppy we named Sugar," because of course she was sweet!

Chance and Georgette have had the best puppies! 

Sugar is now 13 month old and the best dog ever. She is not only beautiful, but spunky and fun like Georgette her mother, yet calm and gentle and loving like Chance her father.

You cannot go wrong with this breed and you cannot go wrong with this breeder. Thank you Delilah and James for all your good work, love and commitment to your family, and to your pet family.

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